Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Happiness is finding a wok in your kitchen...

After what has seemed like ages, I have cooked properly again and am completely puzzled that I had no idea that my flat has a Wok!
Living there for a year and not knowing that a Wok is in the kitchen just shows how poorly I have treated my kitchen.
At least now I am back on track again. There shall not be a week where I do not try a new recipe and get a few friends over to have a nice meal.

Those are the little things which make a difference. Being more fulfilled and free of stress at work truly helps...

Just thinking about my friend who's de-facto homeless and trying to find a place.... How often have I been in almost the same position.... That is just ridiculous.....Breaking up the contact with my sis was the right choice in the end. When you're down, you need a helping hand instead of someone who just kicks you in the shin and smiles when you are on the ground.... closer to them..

At least I found myself (once again)

And it taught me to just offer help when needed and appreciated.....Otherwise you alienate good friends.

There will be some topics and areas which I will start to discuss quite soon..... Finally I have the right toy, attitude and time to spend hours writing here....

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Your CV? It does not matter!

I have met many people and a lot of them told me that I am special and that there is so much more I could do...

Switching jobs, taking on new challenges and meeting others in positions I have aspired, I came to understand that there is little that makes me stand out.

Most are funnier, better looking, smarter and have more experience.

But rarely have I met someone where I was able to say: You are wasting your time here. You could be so much more!

The last jobs I got has not been because of my previous experience or my skills.

It all came down to just one single notion: My aspirations and my willingness to succeed.
They see that I will be there to provide value. Not because of how much they are paying.

I am there to learn something new and understand another aspect of life better and do not believe that ANY job is menial.

What an employer wants to see is that you will enjoy doing whatever you are applying for.

Having been rejected often, I slowly understood what it means to be "overqualified" for a job.

It means that you will be bored and see all the limitations and rules which are keeping you from doing something remarkable.

It also means that they do not want you to grow and move on.

Instead of throwing out thousands of applications, I went to the recruiters and to the managers who are offering the jobs and tried to be remarkable.
My goal was to be worthy of a remark.

Most of the time I felt unfulfilled and dissatisfied with life. Having no education worth talking about and therefore no real career opportunities, makes you feel empty and yearning for recognition of your talents.

It didn't matter to me what I was doing as long as I was the best, got recognized and promoted until I have reached a dead end and tried something different. Something which pays more money or challenges me again.

It took many tries to find out what I truly love and how I can achieve it.

I love helping people, solving problems and be the one making things happen in the background.

Somehow stumbling into sales has allowed me to use those skills and to truly love what I am doing.

The catch 22 that employers are only looking for someone with experience and you don't have any is just used as a nice way of telling you that something didn't seem right.

They believed that you just didn't fit into the company and therefore used that lame excuse.

In Business, everyone is nice and friendly. They will never tell you that you that you don't seem trustworthy.
They will never tell you that your attitude towards the job is lackluster and that you just seem like a short affair until you find something better.

What they want is somebody who is eager to learn and to put 100% into the tasks assigned and will always find a way to put a personal note onto the job he is doing. Someone who is there to stay with the company and be trying his best to help them succeed.

If you cannot tell that to yourself, you are looking at the wrong job.

Most of my colleagues don't show any signs of that anymore. Most of them are older than me and are content with where they are. They deliver a fantastic job and are not looking to move on.
They love their friends and family and see work as a necessary evil.

Whoever I see being promoted has that spark in his eyes, radiating the passion and love for what they are doing. They are in the right place and company.
The love for what they are doing is being recognized and rewarded.

But first and foremost they are being tested.
First you have more responsibilities, stress and despair until you are close to throwing in the towel.

If you continue past this point is either because you are stupid or because you love what you do.

When you were just stupid, the next position is your glass ceiling. You are going to get content and lose the spark in your eyes. Because of the time you spent within the company it will be hard for you to justify moving on. Especially with he job market being so terrible right now, you should consider yourself lucky that you have a salary.

But is this the right thing to do?

You have worked hard to finally get a job, worked even harder to get promoted and now you stop?

Let's say that something happens and you will lose your job. How will you feel then?
How many years have you thrown away being stuck in the same job you don't even like?